Thursday, November 19, 2009

"Who am I"

Shes an artist of sorts
with her brushes n paints
but she doesnt use canvas
its opinions she paints

around 'certain' frends
she paints on a grin
so she can be popular
so she can fit in

with other frends
shes loud n obscene
its the aim of the game
to b rowdy and mean

close to her family
shes quiet n shy
they hardly take notice
if shes nearby

when shes with the guys
shes a tease n a flirt
she gives and she gives
ignoring the hurt

The people nearby her
they hope n they pray
that they cud b popular
like her one day

but wen shes alone
she breaks down n cries
for there is no answer
wen she asks..."hu am i"???????


  1. life is a roller-coaster,
    laughter is the language of your soul and
    love is what makes the world go round!

  2. 'Who m I' - a question no one has answered till date but has asked oneself more than a few million times.

  3. i guess we ask that question and ponder about with no definite answer... those who had have gotten the answer are the ones who had changed our history!!

  4. very true!..even when sometimes people have accomplished so many things in life still there comes a time when we still fail to discover our true self!
