Thursday, November 19, 2009


A girl wrapped in a riddle,

A girl held together in a mystery,

A girl pinned down to blank,
A wild soul so reckless,
Divided and chaotic.

She holds her own hand &
hopes to find her love.
she talks to herself and
pretends to have a conversation.

She smiles to her heart and
keeps her head high,
for every trouble she endured,
for every consequence she faced, she passed,
for every wrong she felt, she made right.

She is torn apart but held together.
She is broken into million little pieces,
Yet believes, CAN BE REPAIRED...


  1. such a beautiful write up!..
    hope is something which keeps everyone going even though sometimes things go wrong!

  2. keep up the gud work dear..
    a beautiful thought!!

  3. It amazes me how well you've poetised such a realistic tale. I am perhaps wrong, yet I can't help but feel there is more to come in this story.

    Good work Pri :)
