Monday, November 23, 2009

LIfe and Happiness

One website which i found truly interesting to read:

When You Are Old

When you are old and gray and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true;
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face.

And bending down beside the glowing bars
Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And his his face amid a crowd of stars.

W. B. Yeats (1865-1939)

'When you are old...,' by William Butler Yeats, is rich with mythical imagery. The ambiguity of certain images is found within its transitions. For instance, as the first line turns into the second a general meaning is transformed into something more particular; the sleep of impending death becomes the weariness of one "nodding by the fire."

Throughout the poem these kinds of transitions of meaning continue, lending a sort of hypnotic quality to the imagery that entrances the reader. The notion of the sleep of death packed into a certain moment wherein one is nodding by the fire is a hook promising deeper levels of meaning. Once brought into the movement of the poem, its content also appeals to me emotionally; the journey from youth to old age is briefly traced in a few tightly-packed phrases, suggesting the reality of sorrow and wasted time and the regret of forsaking the opportunity for Love.

The images are stark but flowing. The first two lines suggest comfort in old age. Death is not a violent end but something one "falls into" as easily as sleep. There is ambiguity here -- to sleep next to a cozy fire may be an attractive proposition, yet given the age and the connotation of the sleep from which one does not awaken in this world, she who is "nodding by the fire" may also be "dying by the fire," expiring as a fire is also extinguished.

On the other hand, the broad notion of nearness to death and the subversive fears and sadnesses it connotes is quickly brought into focus with a contrasting concrete image: an elderly somebody nodding by a fire. She who is "old and grey and full of sleep" begins to read. The phrase "full of sleep" both carries the broad connotation of death, and describes the sleeping that leads to dreaming. Reading, then, these words, she begins to dream about the past and her own youth in a self-reflective way.

The second stanza is descriptive of her dream of the past. As a transition from the first stanza into the second, she remembers her own "soft look," her eyes and "their shadows deep." From this image of her youthful gaze we are brought back to a more general view again; she is reminded of those who loved her "moments of glad grace" and her "beauty with love false or true." Both "grace" and "beauty" are vague and nondescript, yet these lines work to contrast those who loved these general aspects of her with the "one man" who loved her pilgrim soul. This seems to suggest a love willing to journey into age as a companion with her, still loving the "sorrows" of her "changing face" as she shifts through the years.

The deep shadows of her eyes, the vague "soft look" becomes more concrete as one imagines her "changing face" and the sorrows that come through experience. Yet, the one man who forsees in her pilgrim soul the inevitability of growing old, and is still willing to love her, is apparently rejected by her, possibly in favor of those who temporarily love her "grace" and "beauty." From this is implied regret, the sadness of missed opportunity in years that have slipped away.

The dream continues as she bends "down beside the glowing bars" of the fire, perhaps seeking warmth or comfort -- suggesting the desire and need for the fiery love she once rejected. She murmurs, as those who are alone might instead of speaking aloud, testifying to her isolation, "a little sadly." From this concrete image the dream again expands, and we see Love, capitalized as an absolute, fleeing, effortlessly into mountainous distances.

His face hid "amid a crowd of stars," an abstract image issuing from a more concrete description of loneliness and regret, speaks to that which is beyond her reach; it is a love that has become perfect and absolute in itself, which makes her feeling of sad regret all the more stark. The poem begins "When you are old...," rather than "Now that you are old...," which suggests that it is a warning, or a judgment upon an unrequited subject of love.

Freinds as we remember them!

this song reminds of my own close freinds who have been with through the times when i have laughed my heart out and even when i have faced the worst!..this video goes out to all mi close pals..cheers to you guys have made my life more enjoyable..

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Love is...

"Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails."

1 Corinthians 13:4 (New American Standard Bible)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Tide in affairs of Men

There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.

One of my favorite qoutes by shakespeare. This qoute tells us so much about life and how we need to grab oppurtunities as they come.

They say some people are born great..they are made for greatness and they have greatness embedded in dou you define

"ARE" you searching for happiness??..Look within yourself!

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the
key to success.
-Herman Cain

Happiness is something everyone wants to achieve.
While on the surface people may seem to be looking for money, recognition, or other things, what they actually seek is happiness. One of the reasons we never get happiness is because we care a lot about what other people think about us. We keep comparing ourself to others and thus always have either a high opinion of ourselves
or feel envoius of others success and thus sulk in our own distress. Being our best is the only key to be happy.

I feel i am the most happiest when i am around with my closed ones. My family matters to me the most. My freinds have always been my support system and they are the ones who help me get through the tough times. Staying away from my family has been the hardest times but yet i feel i am more competent and independent now which i never was back at home. Relationships give us happiness more than any material in the world. So spending more quality time with my loved ones gives me happiness which is

Also with time i have realised that forgiving others for the wrings they have done to me has helped me move on ahead with life.

As Robert Muller once said "To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness."

I too like others look for happiness around me..but mostly i look for happiness in myself. It helps me get through the day with a smile :)

The Student’s Prayer

Don’t impose on me what you know,

I want to explore the unknown

And be the source of my own discoveries.

Let the known be my liberation, not my slavery.

The world of your truth can be my limitation;

Your wisdom my negation.

Don’t instruct me; let’s walk together.

Let my richness begin where yours ends.

Show me so that I can stand

On your shoulders.

Reveal yourself so that I can be

Something different.

You believe that every human being

Can love and create.

I understand, then, your fear

When I ask you to live according to your wisdom.

You will not know who I am

By listening to yourself.

Don’t instruct me; let me be.

Your failure is that I be identical to you.”

Umberto Maturana

Thursday, November 19, 2009


A girl wrapped in a riddle,

A girl held together in a mystery,

A girl pinned down to blank,
A wild soul so reckless,
Divided and chaotic.

She holds her own hand &
hopes to find her love.
she talks to herself and
pretends to have a conversation.

She smiles to her heart and
keeps her head high,
for every trouble she endured,
for every consequence she faced, she passed,
for every wrong she felt, she made right.

She is torn apart but held together.
She is broken into million little pieces,
Yet believes, CAN BE REPAIRED...

“Love Or Illusion”

“Love Or Illusion”
Isn't that true ?

There were times when I believed,
That love is ultimate,
It's the fusion of bodies and souls,
Between people whose feelings reciprocate....

The meaning of love has changed,
Its no longer left with it's true sense,

So now I fear I'm done with it,
And I find it sheer illusion,

Meaning of love has changed
its just word now
but we still look for love all around us
we seek to find peace in love

I question,
why do we get hurt and still risk our heart again to get hurt

Probably the question is best answered by people still in love

Getting hurt everyday
but still trying!!

"Who am I"

Shes an artist of sorts
with her brushes n paints
but she doesnt use canvas
its opinions she paints

around 'certain' frends
she paints on a grin
so she can be popular
so she can fit in

with other frends
shes loud n obscene
its the aim of the game
to b rowdy and mean

close to her family
shes quiet n shy
they hardly take notice
if shes nearby

when shes with the guys
shes a tease n a flirt
she gives and she gives
ignoring the hurt

The people nearby her
they hope n they pray
that they cud b popular
like her one day

but wen shes alone
she breaks down n cries
for there is no answer
wen she asks..."hu am i"???????

"You said so"

You said you loved me,
I didnt think so.

You said you cared
I tried to hide

You said come back to me,
I said no no

Wonder what i was thinking..
Wonder why i didnt see it in your eyes

In what you were saying, in all that you did

I missed it then,
I guess i should have, should have made a grab for it!

I should have never let gone

Its only now i realize what you mean to me
but now,
Well what can i say , i have given it all away.
given it all to him
Its him i love
And you i like,
So, tell me what it is
That will make you come back to me

I aint no goddess,
I aint no madonna
Is it somehting that i did,
Is it something that i siad,
Well then i m sorry i take it all back
Sorry for breakig your heart
Sorry for making you beleive
Sorry for not being there when you needed me most,
Sorry for not loving you the way you wanted me to,

Thank you for being there for me,
For making me feel so special.
But most of all
Thank you for loving me like you do and hope you
always do too..